Winter Solstice

The Gifts of Pause

The Gifts of Pause

The days may be shorter and the nights longer, but from the chair where I sit in the early mornings to write and meditate, the sunrise fills my view. I pause and take in the regenerative vitality of the coast live oaks absorbing the rain outside my window.

Saturday, December 21st, is the Winter Solstice, a time to discover the gifts of a pause.

How to Thrive through the Holidays

How to Thrive through the Holidays

It’s that time of year. Crazy. Chaotic. . . how can we possibly find time for a much-needed pause? When we are racing around, trying to give generously, be perfect hosts, finish year-end projects and business financials, it’s hard to remember to connect—with ourselves. To feel just how good things are.

What if I told you that taking time to pause and celebrate the solstice can set you up to thrive at home and at work?

Are you Tilting or Are you Turning?

 Are you Tilting or Are you Turning?

Are you hitting “TILT” some days?  I am, so on December 21st, in my home town of Mill Valley, I convened a small circle of women to enjoy the power of a pause – a time to sit in silence, complete some of the past and gather forces for the New Year. Why mention it now?