courage of the heart

Flip the Narrative: Discovering Three Mindsets of Conscious Leaders

Flip the Narrative: Discovering Three Mindsets of Conscious Leaders

Unconscious mindsets shape the narrative of our lives. Conscious leadership starts from the inside out: the mindsets we reinforce drive the way we behave and give rise to the results we experience. Whether innovating policy, designing solutions to the climate crisis, building resilient communities, or living a beautiful life, more empowered and resourceful ways of thinking, relating, living, and leading are part of becoming a conscious leader.

Discover 8 Types of Courage

Discover 8 Types of Courage

Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision, and a skill to develop.

Courage is often outside of our conscious awareness. The awareness of courage, when you or others are courageous, is a crucial skill for skillfully responding, intentionally appreciating others, and consciously leading.

A narrow definition of courage means we miss the ways our daily lives invite different kinds of courage—the courage to put aside hesitation and lean into a challenge, the courage to stand your ground, the courage to reach out when survival brain commands us to retreat, the courage to respond with care instead of a bitter retort.

The Courage of the Heart - A Women's Wisdom Leadership Program October 4-8, 2021

The Courage of the Heart - A Women's Wisdom Leadership Program October 4-8, 2021

Over the years the women attending our programs have been steady support for one another - a source of great heart and courage. Our next program starts October 4. Take the step. Join us for an empowering week to take your leadership to the next level of expertise and effectiveness.

Three Ways We Close our Hearts, Limit our Lives, and Wreak Havoc at Work

Three Ways We Close our Hearts, Limit our Lives, and Wreak Havoc at Work

The equation is consistent and logical. These three roles narrow our thinking, shut off listening, limit collaboration, destroy empathy, and drive inauthentic communication. They close our hearts to love. Research shows that caught in the drama we don’t or can’t use our personal power to creatively address critical issues or launch inspiring initiatives. With conscious awareness we step out of our blind spots and into more confidence, innovative thinking, and the possibility of making the difference we really want to make.

Courageous Leadership to Shape our Future

Courageous Leadership to Shape our Future

Collectively, and personally, we are at a remarkable threshold. The old normal is 18 months behind us, and the new normal is still around the corner. We’ve woken up to the preciousness of life. Where does the courage come from to shape our future? To change what needs to change and once again believe that the world can be made better by our actions.