the pandemic and the choice to love

Love and Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing

Love and Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing

In this time of physical distancing it’s easy to disconnect, isolate, hunker down, and wait for this to be over. While that is a viable choice, we could also use this time to lay the groundwork for a more fulfilling future.

It may seem like a contrary idea, but this is a great time to discover what we haven’t seen, heard, or experienced in the vast world of love and connection.

What if We Choose Love?

What if We Choose Love?

Our lives are different, and we may very well be facing an evolving new normal. The crisis is affecting our daily lives, instilling anxiety and uncertainty as personal and company plans are upended.

What if we choose love instead of fear? The way we work and live changes.

As leaders respond to the impact of immense disruptions, steady those around them, and look for new opportunities for service, the skills that always mattered like listening, empathy, and love become even more critical.