wise choices

Embrace Disturbance: The Best Way to Look without Flinching

Embrace Disturbance: The Best Way to Look without Flinching

Some days, it’s difficult to name the disturbances without focusing blame in a single direction, denying the extent of the problems, or feeling overwhelmed. It’s hard to know what we are responsible for. What we can actually change.

I really don’t like being disturbed. Nobody does. But I’ve discovered that embracing rather than turning away from what disturbs us is a skill, a muscle we can build. It’s a conversation we can initiate and a personal practice that builds resilience, a readiness to accept the next wave of change with more equanimity. The quicker we recover, the more capable we are of acting in meaningful ways.

What I Learned from my Turning Point

What I Learned from my Turning Point

For some reason, this particular day, this moment, this choice felt like a Turning Point—one of those forks in the road.

It’s hard to admit, but every now and then I slide into an outdated, yet familiar, groove of insufficiency: “Nothing is enough. I’m not enough.” I lose confidence, feel inept. It’s not much fun…but I don’t stay there long. Usually I slide back into a groove of confident enthusiasm and focused intention pretty quickly.

Invite your Wise Self to Lunch

Invite your Wise Self to Lunch

My Wise Self seemed to be out to lunch. I walked my dog, seeking a new point of view. With no idea of my angst, he was bounded up the trail. As he frolicked. I stewed. Irritated with the way I handled a difficult client communication, I wanted to clean up the relationship mess I’d made, but I couldn’t stop thinking how I was right and she was wrong. I knew this was a trap.

Transform Ways You Limit Your Leadership and Step Aside from Success

Transform Ways You Limit Your Leadership and Step Aside from Success

Outside the limits of other’s perceptions. Outside the circle of your own past. Who are you? Let’s celebrate and let loose our creative strong savvy ready-to-get-stuff-done character that lives inside, and longs to come out and play.

6 Ways to Develop Your Wisdom

6 Ways to Develop Your Wisdom

If I asked, “How did you develop your wisdom,” I might get a blank stare. Most likely you didn’t enroll in Developing Wisdom 101 in high school or college. Few popular TV shows or movies demonstrate the path to a wise life. Or perhaps, you would nod sagely, considering yourself a serious student of wisdom, able to quote the great teachings and wise leaders through the ages.

Either way, studies show that most of us want to be wiser in our daily lives for increases in performance, creativity, and intelligence.