
Pure Joy

Pure Joy

This morning I saw an auspicious sign for the new year.  As I write, I gaze out the window, engaged with the liveliness of my wild garden. Up the street, beyond the tall hedges, oaks, and cypress, a tall redwood towers.

Just after dawn, a large white bird flew through the tree tops to the grand redwood. My fingers left the keyboard as her claws gripped the tippy top and she opened her wings into the wind.

Every Woman has Something Wise to Say

Every Woman has Something Wise to Say

Over the years, hundreds of women were my teachers.  They taught me that every wisewoman has something she wants to say. She’s got a voice because she cares. When she listens to the wisdom of her heart, something really matters to her whether in the backyard with the kids, in a company as part of the senior management team, or holding political office – she is ready to speak up.

What Matters to Wise Women Leaders?

What Matters to Wise Women Leaders?

The women were riveted by the daring and courage she displayed to tackle such a different company and industry.