Business Coaching

Transform Ways You Limit Your Leadership and Step Aside from Success

Transform Ways You Limit Your Leadership and Step Aside from Success

Outside the limits of other’s perceptions. Outside the circle of your own past. Who are you? Let’s celebrate and let loose our creative strong savvy ready-to-get-stuff-done character that lives inside, and longs to come out and play.

How to Move your Business into High Momentum

How to Move your Business into High Momentum

Growing a business seems relentless, asking constant dedication. Too many business owners give up just when they are ready to take off. Why? Because they lack a framework for where they are and what’s next.

This business coaching exercise is often part of the work I do with small business owners and it gets results every time.

How Do You Find Wisdom instead of Overwhelm?

How Do You Find Wisdom instead of Overwhelm?

I want to know how you access your wisdom even when overwhelm threatens - as you walk into the contentious meeting at 3:00, when your colleague disses you in front of your boss, when your friend didn’t include you in her New Years invitations.

What works for you? How do you return to the broader view of your wise self?

Why Do Children Climb on Chairs?

Why do children climb on chairs? And why do adults sit on them? Guest blogger Jennifer Kenny challenges our preconceived notions about the value of developing feminine wisdom in leadership and business.

“The prevailing thinking would tell us that children climb on chairs because they have not been trained to sit on them. However if you look carefully at how children interact with chairs you will notice that they climb on them, write on them, sit on them, play on them, ignore them and sit on the floor. It is only when they begin to distinguish chairs from other items that they begin to sit on them. A child sees a chair and they have no preconceived notion as to what a chair should be used for, so they climb on it, experiment with it, sit on it, they knock it over, they write on it, they ignore it, basically, they do whatever takes their fancy when it comes to engaging with the chair.

The interesting opportunity for us, is to look at how people engage with feminine wisdom. If they don’t know what it is, if the distinction of feminine wisdom, and the sub distinctions of feminine wisdom, don’t exist for them, then they simply, climb on it, sit on it, knock it over, write on it and ignore it, they use it for whatever purpose they think is appropriate – if they even see it in the first place. Remember children also sit on the floor quite happily and comfortably.

We are in a unique position, at this moment in history, to be able to distinguish and identify the facets of feminine wisdom and to bring forth those facets into the world in a way that they will be distinguished and in distinguishing them people will understand them, they will understand the value of them, they will understand how to engage with them, they will understand how to be able to pay for applied feminine wisdom and how to leverage feminine wisdom.

Karen Buckley has done truly foundational work in distinguishing the facets of feminine wisdom and working to bring those distinctions to a broader audience. She has distinguished nine facets of feminine wisdom and in so doing she has created the opportunity for all of us to enable humanity (masculine and feminine) understand what problems feminine wisdom can solve, what value feminine wisdom brings, why it is unique to the feminine (not just to women but to the feminine) and why that value can in turn add value for those around us and for those in our community.

Over the next few months you will see Karen articulate those distinctions in her blog and she will be publishing a book about those distinctions. She will also be looking to engage a broader audience in identifying understanding, valuing and appreciating, applied feminine wisdom and we will be working to create frameworks for bringing feminine wisdom to the world, in the same way masculine wisdom has been brought to the world.

The task ahead of us at the moment is to understand these distinctions ourselves, understand how each of us embodies one or more of the facets of feminine wisdom and help the rest of the world understand how to engage with feminine wisdom, what value it brings and how feminine wisdom can be instrumental in solving some of the enormous problems facing humanity today.


Sincerely, Jennifer”

Editor’s note! Jennifer, I have the biggest smile ever with your fine acknowledgment above. I too am very excited to share the distinctions we are all building every day as we become the wise feminine leaders that we are meant to be.

Jennifer Kenny is Interim CIO of SRI International. Jennifer has an extensive background in management consulting, change initiation and the design of business processes and systems strategies for Fortune 500 companies, including starting her own consulting firm BizThink in 2007.

Because I love working with women to discover these distinctions for themselves I put together the Next Octave Leadership Webinar that starts this summer where we’ll talk about the source of personal power and increased effectiveness.

Warmest regards, Karen

5 Ways to Stay on Track with your Priorities

5 Ways to Stay on Track with your Priorities

It’s time to get out of stagnation and into momentum by Amplifying your Priorities. Your priorities say a lot about you. The actions you take either boost or diminish the kind of life you enjoy.

Business Coaching: 4 Tips for Finding Your Passion

Business Coaching: 4 Tips for Finding Your Passion

Here in northern California it’s summer! The sky is bright, the fog is rolling chill. I’m yearning to be in my garden checking whether the birds ate the new seedlings and if the stakes are holding as the tomatoes ripen. Maybe that’s why I’m compelled to begin our focus today on passion….

Stuck in the Midst of Change? Try These 4 Steps to Find New Momentum

Stuck in the Midst of Change? Try These 4 Steps to Find New Momentum

Change is constant, normal, often desired, and sometimes dreaded. When stuck, we repeat the same thoughts again and again. These limiting thoughts hold us back. We make excuses. Our view narrows and we can only see what won’t work.

3 Steps to Communicate Your Wisdom - even in a tough work environment

3 Steps to Communicate Your Wisdom - even in a tough work environment

When female wisdom remains untapped, women, men, families and organizations suffer. As leaders we are then unable to translate our best ideas into action. We contribute our competency, but not our authentic contribution.  I call this the competency trap.

There are 3 steps to take to begin the change.

Shifting Fear, Judgment & Worry Before they Take You Down

Shifting Fear, Judgment & Worry Before they Take You Down

My research and years of working with women leaders shows that being able to make this shift is a core capacity of leaders who are considered wise.

Building a Strong Foundation for any Size Business

Building a Strong Foundation for any Size Business

These powerful exercises have been developed over many years of working with small business owners, women and men starting businesses and those of you who want to advance your career.

Shifting your Business into Momentum

Shifting your Business into Momentum

You know how it’s a lot easier to blow up a balloon that’s a little bit blown up than it is to blow up a balloon that is brand new or totally deflated? It’s the same with business momentum.

Step Up and Into This Year

 Step Up and Into This Year

Would you like to discover goals that matter, real desires and what is possible for 2012 in your business? One step at a time is how we move from nothing to something….

3 Ways to Rebuild Confidence

3 Ways to Rebuild Confidence

When we don’t feel confident it is hard to start to feel confident. The downward pull can be like quicksand. We doubt, distrust, or lose natural power as leaders.