
How Do We Keep the Faith?

How Do We Keep the Faith?

Bringing a virtual meeting with a new client to a close I asked, are there any remaining questions? A member of the team, silent and mainly looking down until then, slowly raised his head and said softly, “What I want to know is, how do we keep the faith?”

Mindfulness plays a key role in helping us keep the faith that our families, our jobs, our companies, our planet will be alright? Using these 3 practices we can stay strong, flexible, buoyant and productive and help each other do the same.

5 Steps to Less Tension and More Inspiration When Working Together

5 Steps to Less Tension and More Inspiration When Working Together

How precious breath has become. The wildfires in California fill the air with particles of ash from burning buildings, trees, and toxic dumps. Shallow breaths feel protective but exacerbate rising tension and anxiety. Now we cherish the breath that fills our lungs and quiets our nerves.

Moments of silence open us to a more expansive calm, to connection and shared purpose, to the unusual insight of the provocative idea. It may seem paradoxical but starting a meeting with a pause…..

As the World Keeps Changing It’s Time to Update Our Mindsets

As the World Keeps Changing It’s Time to Update Our Mindsets

Today, even with my years of intense training and practice, I regularly get trapped in less productive mindsets. When I hold onto fixed, often unexamined beliefs about myself and the world, they interfere with accomplishing and expressing what really matters to me.

I see the leaders and teams I work with do the same. Frustrated by their results, they don’t understand what holds them back. They struggle to understand how their inner frameworks direct the way they behave.

When the world has changed, and life asks something more from us, it’s time to update mindsets whose usefulness has expired and consciously strengthen mindsets that support our active participation in the emerging future.

The Role of a Growth Mindset in Personal Power and Influence

The Role of a Growth Mindset in Personal Power and Influence

Our mind is a powerful thing. A positive mindset frees us to be bold, take risks and trust ourselves with the confidence that we’ll figure it out. Does your mindset limit you or set you free to grow?

Mindfulness in the Workplace: What Difference Does it Make?

Mindfulness in the Workplace: What Difference Does it Make?

"Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment." -Rumi

Our mind is a flow of energy and information. The quality of our thinking, the focus of our conversations, the repetitive nature of our complaints directly influence our ability to be mindful, present.

3 Reasons to Step into Mindfulness and Wisdom

3 Reasons to Step into Mindfulness and Wisdom

This is a critical time for humanity. Our collective mindfulness and wisdom are urgently needed and yet, not at the forefront of our thoughts, our economic and political world or our daily lives. Who might we be if we chose to listen for and act from our wisest self?